Thursday, September 18, 2008, 2:37 PM
Hot...Just Too Hot!
The hotness makes me going to faint le, I mean the weather. Almost couldn't live long under a hot sunny, making me feel sleepy all day long. Sianz~ Just recovered from 39.3 degree Celsius, feel weak to resist.
Saturday, September 13, 2008, 10:59 PM
Wat a small island! It is so small u get to see familiar people at anywhere you go. Well, it happened to me during these two days, it just too coincidence!
Yesterday my intention was to went town to shop, however someone was super late…Haas~ We ended up having dinner at Big O only… After that, we moved on to Eric’s bro working pub to have a drink. We saw nani at MRT train, she looked very tired. We still have a bottle of Chiva at there… His bro offered Martell for us to drink, so that day didn’t spend much at all… Wonderful~ Hmm… Anyway, I was not drunk on that day ya! Maybe the person, who sms me to tell me not to get drunk, got drunk first? ;P
I am super tired lah! Woke up quite early today..Went for a swim plus a bit of sun tanning at late afternoon, where the sun was so bright at that time. Meet up Telvin at town and chill at orchard, I brought a fred perry shirt… There was this guy wanted to get the same shirt as me, but TOO BAD~ Left just one piece only…Kinda of tired already, so headed back home.. I saw some familiar faces again and they told me that they saw nani yesterday too… ok.. Just Too Coincidence!
Tired Tired Tired…Update some other time~
Thursday, September 11, 2008, 1:12 AM
New Card...
Woo~ Received my CCC.. haas.. Citibank Clear Card..Next time free entries already and i dun have to stand in the long queue anymore.. Simple & Easy~ :)
Wednesday, September 10, 2008, 12:14 AM
Too Long Too Long Le~
Wah Lau..Ass~ a FTT only, i have to wait for two months..i couldn't believe it.. That Too Long Le~! Nvm..i going to camp at the website, wish someone give up their slot.. once they give up, i will quickly snatch it.. Hee~! Haiz~ Still finding driving instructor.. anyone recommend?
Monday, September 08, 2008, 8:07 PM
Simple And Easy!
 Today no work! Having my Basic Theory Test (BTT)... This morning kana wake up call as usual.. Forget to tell~ ;p i start reading the book through for two hours, then went back to sleep...I almost late, luckily the taxi driver helped me out.. reach there about 5-7mins sia.. Reach there jus ON TIME~ Cool~ The Test is easy.. press here~press there~haas.. Show u all my proof.
Tag me so that i'm know you here to see me~