i am so lazy
hehe.. i am back. i am so lazy till i never update.
i am a lazy bum
*hearts <3my deardear =DDD
End of tragedy
DISASTER! OH MY GOD! Something even
BETTER come after next...IS......
MY PAY!!! HAHA!!! WOW..damn early this time round.. MORE THAN WAT I THINK..
Memory full
A day i alway like to have.
A day when there is NO work, NO sch, jus simply slp whole day.
A day i woke up at around 9 plus plus pm. So refreshing..HEHE~
TML shall be
a battle of life and death to me.
MY CLASS TEST AND MY COMMON TEST~ i havent start my revision yet...Oh man..Jus now flip through my notes, dun think can install into my brain.
Keep thinking of some matters and filled up my 60GB of memory. Trying to detele it, but i cant~ Later a while then study a bit ba..
Hmm..Brougth a camera..
YEAH! with DA J and Calvin pei me a while then go work at last sunday..So many ppl at there loh. we all like
ORANGE..KANA SQUEEZE..anyway, i like my camera..Took some lame photos i upload it and show u all..HAHA~

When June came in..May walked out
Today is a brand new start of the month.
The arrival of JUNE and
May had passed the throne to
June. Hehe~ Currently still at home, nothing much to do, so get to blog a bit. Woke up quite early today, around 10 plus. But my lesson start at 2pm.. end at around 5 plus ba.. After that have to go work, hope today as
peaceful as yesterday..
COMMON TEST coming~ Everyone study hard for it... Luckily, nothing much for me to study..Only have DEL at Thursday from 4.00pm to 5.30pm. But then hor... the
who who
who ar.. Purposely put a class test before my common test, then then test end at 3.30pm. By the time we finish the class test, have to rush for common test.
Nvm~! hehe~Got to prepare to go sch le.