It felt so wrong
It felt so right
Don't mean I'm in love tonight |
Friday, December 29, 2006, 2:38 PM
Death Note - The Last Name
This show is great. It is worth spending ur time and money to go watch this show. I watched it yesterday. Very exciting.. Light vs L. The final showdown of them. With the second and third Kira appeared, the mystery got more and more complicated. Who would get hold of the ‘Trump Card’ which would determine the outcome of events? And who will be the Last name? U got to watch to know it. Well, i felt that both of them are so damn clever. If Light never got the Death note, i think both of them could become the flawless and cleverest partners. However, it will never happen. In the end, both DIED!!! ![]()
Friday, December 22, 2006, 11:12 PM
Boring holiday..
Having two weeks of holiday, but dun seen to be great for me. After experienced first week of holiday, feeling damn bored and rotten at home. Slping at home and watching tv are my major time spending. Cracking my brain of making me busy, end up nothing came to my mind at all. So jus chill at home ba... Hmm...Today is quite special day, but i dun know wat so special about it. However, it is so special that got tang yuan to eat. Hehe.. Yummy.. Nice.. As i dun often eat tang yuan. Soon christmas coming too and that is really fast. Jus like a moment ago. Maybe time had flied pass me long ago, and i did not really make good use of the time when it on my hand. Well, let me hope everyone MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Rememeber to put ur socks some where up ba. Maybe lucky enough to get a present for Santa Claus. But beware of something, dun put ur smelly socks up. For me, dun think have any programme for that day. No money, no where to go.. HAHA.. Update some other time..BYE~
Saturday, December 16, 2006, 1:17 PM
Test OVER!
Finally..common test is over!! I had studied very very long and hard for the tests...This is CRAP!! HAHA!!! Common test so simple sia... all last min studied one.. HAHA!!! Now test over, holiday come.. but made no difference from going sch.. bcos everyday in holiday mode.. hmm..Got to find something during this holiday...or else bored to death...hmm...nothing much to write about le...enjoy~
Tuesday, December 05, 2006, 11:49 PM
Although the present came so very very late.. but thanks anyway... i have to thank joann, wei wei, wing, venesa & tiffany...They all share money to buy me a wallet..Hmm..i think they knew i lost my wallet ba..purposely buy a wallet...Hee..Dun worry..i wont lost again..if i lost it, also wont be the wallet that u all gave me..HAHA!!!
Monday, December 04, 2006, 11:25 PM
Sleepless days..
Oh, man..Nowdays dun often get to slp early sia...almost play play till 3plus then sleep sia...7plus woke up rushed to sch...getting more and more heart to study i jus discovered next common test sia..WOw..that fast...Got to buck up...HEHE!!! today my hse installed air-cons sia..YEAH!!! later must go slp le..enjoy the coldness..scared later i will freeze inside the room.. ;p Hmm..i think i better go to my MOL le... heard from ah wee that tml a must to complete the math online revision..i better go do it le..or else more troubles will coming up..BYE~ |